Cant put & in CreateServiceNodeFromXml

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Joined: November 16th, 2021, 11:15 am

Cant put & in CreateServiceNodeFromXml

Unread post by CathyC »

I was trying to upgrade an old method from an EvaluateXML to a CreateServiceNodeFromXml, but when I pasted in the same logic, it had a problem with the & character
Here is the old version:
Why would it do that?
Is there something else i should be doing?
Last edited by CathyC on November 29th, 2022, 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 47

Posts: 472
Joined: November 16th, 2021, 11:15 am

Re: Cant put & in CreateServiceNodeFromXml

Unread post by CathyC »

talked to Jeff on this, the ampersand is a reserved character for xml so have to do & could also do & (hexidecimal) or & (decimal)
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Re: Cant put & in CreateServiceNodeFromXml

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

You can also use the CDATA button on the top of the editor with the & character selected.
image.png (6.49 KiB) Viewed 1438 times
image.png (6.49 KiB) Viewed 1438 times
word count: 33
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