Auto Logout not forwaring to login page

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Auto Logout not forwaring to login page

Unread post by CathyC »

I noticed the auto logout feature warns when your about to be logged out (using the config variables for this), but it doesn't forward to the login page when that time expires. I'll come back to a tab I left hours or a day ago and will see the warning still. It only gets to be confusing when I have just hit that timeout period. I will go back to a tab I was just working in and see the warning. At first I think "oh good, I just made it". Then if I click the option to stay logged in, I stay on that page, but it still doesn't save my changes because my session did expire.
I'm working on Platform 4
Last edited by CathyC on May 2nd, 2023, 11:58 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 127

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Re: Auto Logout not forwaring to login page

Unread post by CathyC »

I tested to see if this is still an issue and it looks to be working now
I tested from the IDE, just logging in and having it open then leaving it for 20 minutes. It did warn and after 5 minutes it forwarded back to login page.

might be a specific case where it wasnt working. i'll add more later if I see it not working again
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Re: Auto Logout not forwaring to login page

Unread post by SumanPrasad »

Please test this again when new auto logout feature is pushed in.
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Re: Auto Logout not forwaring to login page

Unread post by CathyC »

I talked about this with Justin, but here is the bug I experienced:

if you have IDE or app tabs open, then make another unrelated tab the active one, if you wait like 30 minutes, when you go back to those IDE/app tabs, they will have pop ups saying they will be logged out in 4 minutes. but really, they pop up showed the warning but then never finished the countdown or forwarded to login. it worked fine if the IDE tab you had open stays as the active tab the whole time though.
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Re: Auto Logout not forwaring to login page

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This issue is resolved in the current version of EASYProcess.
word count: 10
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