Closing IDE Menu

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Joined: August 31st, 2021, 11:37 am

Closing IDE Menu

Unread post by JefferyD »

When opening the menu on the IDE, it replaces the entire screen with the only way to close it being a small x in the top left corner. Could it be made so that pressing "Esc" on the keyboard will also close it?

Additionally, there's a lot of empty space to the left and right of the menu options. Maybe clicking in that empty space could also close the menu?
IDE Menu.png
IDE Menu.png (104.37 KiB) Viewed 1004 times
IDE Menu.png
IDE Menu.png (104.37 KiB) Viewed 1004 times
word count: 89

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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 5:21 pm

Re: Closing IDE Menu

Unread post by SumanPrasad »

We like this idea. We will put white space around the menu and make clicking outside or esc to close it. Task #: 10205.
word count: 23
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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:56 am

Re: Closing IDE Menu

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This feature has been implemented as of DesignTime Revision 2285.
word count: 10
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