checkbox header Title Showing but not Label

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checkbox header Title Showing but not Label

Unread post by CathyC »

In a grid with a label and a checkbox, the header labels have titles. For the Unit Price, it has the title filled out, but it doesnt show on the page. for the checkbox, it also has it filled out but does show. the title needs to be blank to remove it.
Cancel Title in Properties.PNG
Cancel Title in Properties.PNG (379.19 KiB) Viewed 1584 times
Cancel Title in Properties.PNG
Cancel Title in Properties.PNG (379.19 KiB) Viewed 1584 times
Cancel Title on Grid.PNG
Cancel Title on Grid.PNG (66.23 KiB) Viewed 1584 times
Cancel Title on Grid.PNG
Cancel Title on Grid.PNG (66.23 KiB) Viewed 1584 times
UnitPrice Title in Properties.PNG
UnitPrice Title in Properties.PNG (376.52 KiB) Viewed 1584 times
UnitPrice Title in Properties.PNG
UnitPrice Title in Properties.PNG (376.52 KiB) Viewed 1584 times
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Re: checkbox header Title Showing but not Label

Unread post by steve.sakhnini »

I cannot reproduce this issue!
If you could help with the following questions, that would be helpful.

Are there any extra steps you needed to take to cause it?
Is this in a classic application or MVC?
The screenshots you shared are for a List control, did you mean list?
How did you create the list, did you use the "Add List/Grid" wizard?
Is there any custom styling applied? that could be causing this?
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Re: checkbox header Title Showing but not Label

Unread post by Toyeyemi »

Hi Steve,
I had used the List/Grid creation method within the control panel to make the initial table. Immediately after creating a new column for the cancellation and placed a label inside of the header, I started encountering the issue.
ListCreation.png (38.72 KiB) Viewed 1566 times
ListCreation.png (38.72 KiB) Viewed 1566 times
This is in the most recent version of the MVC
I am unsure of the proper terms but I believe that I am working with a List Control made through the Add List/Grid Wizard.
There isn't any custom styling present.
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Re: checkbox header Title Showing but not Label

Unread post by steve.sakhnini »

Thank you for your reply,
Task #10148 has been created for this issue, this post will be updated once it is resolved.
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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:56 am

Re: checkbox header Title Showing but not Label

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This issue has been retested and repeatable steps have been added to the task. This issue will be updated once the bug is fixed.
word count: 24
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