Changing a record in Work With Translation

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Changing a record in Work With Translation

Unread post by smoady »

When attempting to change a record in the Work with Translation ide page to include a value with a special character. The value in the targeted record isn't updated.
For example, trying to change (Vytvorit novou objednávku) to (Vytvorit novou objednávku)

Note: Including a screenshot since the targeted special character isn't showing in the example above
Special character example.png
Special character example.png (1.38 KiB) Viewed 3187 times
Special character example.png
Special character example.png (1.38 KiB) Viewed 3187 times
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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:56 am

Re: Changing a record in Work With Translation

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

The method used to make the translation was using the incorrect column type. Updating the column type for the Text and TranslatedText column to String resolved the issue.
word count: 28
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