EASYProcess Tabs

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EASYProcess Tabs

Unread post by CathyC »

A canvas should be able to have tabs at the top to show related things. With everything opening in separate browser tabs we could run into the situation where you have the following tabs:

DV - webpage canvas
DV - IDE workbench
DV - IDE logs
DV - widget canvas
DV - widget model method canvas
DV - widget controller method canvas
DV - widget's model and controller's submethod canvas
QA - webpage canvas
QA - IDE workbench
QA - IDE logs
QA - widget canvas
QA - widget model method canvas
QA - widget controller method canvas
QA - widget's model and controller's submethod canvas

Then even if they have useful names on the tabs, I only see the icons, which are all the same.
see in this screenshot where I have them real organized, but even here its easy to lose where your working

This is a pretty simple use for many browser tabs, but other use cases which require more tabs are also common
Browser Tabs When Troubleshooting.png
Browser Tabs When Troubleshooting.png (57.02 KiB) Viewed 7884 times
Browser Tabs When Troubleshooting.png
Browser Tabs When Troubleshooting.png (57.02 KiB) Viewed 7884 times
Last edited by CathyC on May 2nd, 2023, 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 179

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Re: EASYProcess Tabs

Unread post by SteveCap »

Something I find useful and use heavily is chromes built in tab grouping feature. I group different installs/environments together and then can collapse groups of tabs at a time.
TabGroups.png (17.08 KiB) Viewed 7866 times
TabGroups.png (17.08 KiB) Viewed 7866 times
To add a tab to a new group right click on the tab and there will be an option in the menu.
Menu.png (13.14 KiB) Viewed 7866 times
Menu.png (13.14 KiB) Viewed 7866 times
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Re: EASYProcess Tabs

Unread post by steve.sakhnini »

After discussing this issue, we have decided on creating a plugin for EP to manage tabs.
this will be discussed again to decide on how it will work and what it will do.
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Re: EASYProcess Tabs

Unread post by CathyC »

I wanted to reopen this discussion. We could definitely do with some organization among our tabs (as seen above). I ran into this more when working with LOOP tabs because they are all called LOOP and when working with multiple LOOPs belonging to the same method, it can get confusing quickly.

I was talking with Jeff and something came up that is interesting and related to this discussion. We didnt want to use tabs within EASYProcess because we would hit the memory limit, so we talked about the chrome groups instead. But opening multiple tabs in Chrome is also already sharing the same memory footprint as seen in the chrome task manager:
google chrome task manager.png
This also became apparent when we had the log issue where loading logs would crash the browser tab and it also crashed a bunch of chrome tabs that were open that weren't on a log page. That log issue is mitigated now by not trying to load all the logs at once, but it was around for enough that it exposed how the tabs are sharing the memory cap.
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Re: EASYProcess Tabs

Unread post by CathyC »

I discussed this with the internal team and another solution to keeping track of tabs was to color code the tab icons with the object types. lets say all methods would be blue, when you see a blue favicon in your browser, you know its the method as opposed to a LOOP or submethod.

This is tracked in task #11246
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Re: EASYProcess Tabs

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Microsoft Edge has recently implemented a new feature called Workspace which allows user to further categorize open tabs into new windows. These windows can then be fully closed and reopened whenever needed. This combined with groups and EASYProcess's new tab manager extension should allow users a broad range of ways to manage working on multiple tenants, applications, and projects.
word count: 60
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