TestConnection Service Timeout

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Joined: August 31st, 2021, 11:37 am

TestConnection Service Timeout

Unread post by JefferyD »

I am using the TestConnection service to test if a database can be accessed through ECC. When the database cannot be accessed, the data is pulled from a custom local cache instead. In the situation that ECC is down though, it is using the regular timeout causing long load times even when data is queried from only the local cache.
Is there a more immediate method of determining if the connection is down or not?
Alternatively, could a timeout parameter be added to the TestConnection service so that it could be set to something separate from the default timeout wait time?
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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 5:21 pm

Re: TestConnection Service Timeout

Unread post by SumanPrasad »

As a minimum, adding a timeout to TestConnection service will be quick fix.
Goal of this service was to give quick determination if a database is up or not. Let us review this service and then we will see what should be done.
Task 10110 is created for this.
word count: 49
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