Method Call Stack Trace

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Method Call Stack Trace

Unread post by JefferyD »

When viewing the logs, I frequently am looking at methods that are called from multiple locations. Could a list of ancestors be added to show where the call came from for a particular log?
word count: 34

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Joined: November 16th, 2021, 11:15 am

Re: Method Call Stack Trace

Unread post by CathyC »

I was talking with Jeff on this, heres how he explained it:

Like if we had method chains A > B > C > D > E and F > G > C > D > E, then I'd like to see the 2 logs of "E" with D, C, B, A and D, C, G, F.

This sounds like a great idea, it would be pretty helpful. Right now, I look only in the parent source and drill down over and over again cause if I go to the child source I can't easily tell where it originated and the relationships are lost. This would allow me to use the logs of the child source to see if its the one I am looking for.
word count: 120
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