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Testing Scanner Controllers in Browser

Posted: February 10th, 2022, 5:29 pm
by JefferyD
It would be nice if there was a way to test a native scan controller from a browser.

Currently I have to make 2 identical controllers where one is the native scan controller and the other is a regular controller with a single parameter. This way I can test my logic with the regular controller before copying it to the native scan controller to test in the mobile app. This introduces added complexity though as the input parameter references are different, and I have to make sure I find every change made and make sure it's all been copied correctly.

A potential improvement would be if I could map a native scan controller to an event as if it was a regular controller with "WorkData/_Native/Scan/Value" as the only configurable parameter. This way the references don't need to be updated or logic copied when trying to test while going between browser view and mobile app.

Re: Testing Scanner Controllers in Browser

Posted: February 11th, 2022, 11:19 am
by SumanPrasad
We will do some thinking on this. We will get back.