Application PD Tables are not updating with the Excel.

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Application PD Tables are not updating with the Excel.

Unread post by rpathak »

Application PD Tables are not updating with the Excel:

When I tried to upsert/insert the data via Excel in DV, and QA environment it was working and db was successfully updated, but when I tried to do the same in PD as shown below:
Then a message popped up as DB Records Updated Successfully,
image.png (3.83 KiB) Viewed 3858 times
image.png (3.83 KiB) Viewed 3858 times
but in actuality, no records were upserted or inserted as shown:

I have tried both Upsert and Insert, but none of them worked for me.

NOTE: I am using Platform 4 service, and the link is ... aseRecords
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Re: Application PD Tables are not updating with the Excel.

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Hello rpathak,

Please check that the sheet in the excel document is named sheet1. Excel documents can have multiple sheets and EASYProcess looks for and reads the sheet named sheet1.

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Re: Application PD Tables are not updating with the Excel.

Unread post by NathanL »

I tested myself in the same environment, but using one of the unused tables so it doesn't affect actual data. I also got the same issue

I enabled IDE logs. I found this exception in my testing:
ANE 1242 IDE logs.PNG
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