Weekly Upgrade Announcement 1/15/2024

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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:56 am

Weekly Upgrade Announcement 1/15/2024

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Platform Upgrade Schedule
On Monday January 22nd, the IDE/DV/QA environments for Platform1, Platform2, Platform3, and Platform4 will be upgraded to DesignTime Low Code Revision 2730 and DesignTime No Code Revision 329 and RunTime Revision 1325. Platform1, Platform2, and Platform4 will begin their upgrade at 10:00AM CST with an expected completion time of 10:30AM CST. Platform3 will begin its upgrade at 12:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 12:30PM CST.

On Wednesday January 24th, the IDE/DV/QA environments for Platform1, Platform2, Platform3, and Platform4 will be upgraded to RunTime Revision 1325. Platform1, Platform2, and Platform4 will begin their upgrade at 3:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 3:30PM CST. Platform3 will begin its upgrade at 12:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 12:30PM CST.

DesignTime Low Code
Revision 2729 And RunTime Revision 1320: Snowflake Parameter Update
  • Updated the snowflake parameter to ?
Revision 2730 And No Code Revision 329 And RunTime Revision 1321: Server Topology
  • Setup server topology to allow system administrators to assign tenants to different app servers.
No Code
Revision 328: JDE Entity Creation Update
  • Saving a JDE entity will now set the system code and table code values to blank if the JDE entity is not UDC.
Revision 1322: Display Progress Animation Fix
  • The background layer for display progress animations are failing to get removed when the computer runs slow enough that the process logic finished before the animation is fully created. Added a more rigorous setup and removal to always remove the background layer of the animation.
Revision 1323: Business Process Email Templates Fix
  • Business process emails are always being overridden. Email templates now get detected when set and will load in the template.
Revision 1324: ECC Disconnection Update
  • When ECC is disconnected, only the first service will sleep and reattempt to prevent timeouts.
Revision 1325: Last Loop Log Fix
  • Loops are currently only printing the last loop to a log file. A check has been added to always add the logs.
word count: 339
