ToJDEDecimal Service Setup

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ToJDEDecimal Service Setup

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

The ToJDEDecimal service in the Data Conversion Services workshop is a useful tool when converting values based on different currencies stored in JDEdwards.
ToJDEDecimal Service.png
The service takes in three important node values and a name. The Value node determines what value will be converted to a JDE decimal. The Dictionary node is used to check against the FRDTAI column in the F9210 table. If the FRCLAS column value is not equal to "Currency", then the service returns the precision found in the FRCDEC column.

If a currency is found based on the given dictionary value, then the service looks at the CVCDEC column in the F0013 table to get the precision that should be used in the conversion.

Finally, the services uses the returned precision which is either the value in the CVCDEC column from the F0013 table or if no currency was found the in the dictionary, then the value in the FRCDEC column from the F9210 table.

Below are images of grabbing dictionaries and currencies from their resp
In the above image is a static setup of the service utilizing grabbed values from the FRDTAI column in the F9210 table where FRCLAS is = "Currency". The service itself will take any of these returned values in the Dictionary node. Below is a example of grabbing all dictionary values in F9210 where FRCLAS = "Currency"
Dictionaries Example.png
Currencies Example.png
word count: 223

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