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Hiding a Column in Grid

Posted: February 9th, 2022, 5:04 pm
by CathyC
Hiding the header cell makes the column appear like its not there. This is the desired functionality.

In discussing how it should work, there were some other ideas which were wrong, so not sure if its the most intuitive (hide the header field visibility, hide the child field visibility, hide the child cell visibility).

To make it more intuitive, for the column header cell, could change Visible property to ColumnVisibility. Or something that implies that this controls the whole column.

This is only useful if changing the visible property visibility to false does hide the children. It might just be that the header sets the width, so when removed, the children are still there but with width 0.

Re: Hiding a Column in Grid

Posted: February 10th, 2022, 12:35 pm
by SumanPrasad
This is understandable. We will make the necessary changes to the platform. As task : 10095 is raised to address this. We will update this post when this task goes to PD.