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View Canvas Should Show Areas with Changes

Posted: July 4th, 2023, 10:46 am
by CathyC
I have a view for the catalog page in EC. Like other custom apps, the contents on the page change based on who is viewing it. If someone with lower permission views it, less controls are visible or the controls may not be editable.

Looking at the canvas, its not obvious which clickable areas here have a property set:
As an incoming developer, you might know to click on each control and scroll through all the properties on each control to see which ones have values. That would be tedious, but the first intuitive way to get the info.

It wouldnt be obvious that the orange highlighted area in the above screenshot has a property set.
But in this page, when we hide a control, we hide the cell it sits in so the entire area goes away and it doesnt leave a weird empty cell that messes with the layout.

As a new developer, if you found that, it might be frustrating that you then have to search all the cells and scroll down to see if they too have properties set.

Here is that same screenshot, but with the cells outlined in pink if they have their visibility set dynamically based on logic from the model (based on who is viewing it).
Now it looks much different. There are lots of controls, but there are also lots of important cells.
When newer developers work on this they are unaware of all of this and this feature of hiding and unhiding starts to not work anymore as they make changes for other features.

Feature Suggestion 1: Can we have a button at the top of the view which toggles a feature to highlight all the cells and controls with properties that are set outside of their defaults?

Feature Suggestion 2: Currently when you hover over a control in the canvas, it says the name of hte control. but the icon conveys this too. instead this could be better used if it gave a preview of all the properties that are changed from their defaults.

Re: View Canvas Should Show Areas with Changes

Posted: July 14th, 2023, 9:24 am
by SteveCap
Task #11502 has been created to discuss this feature.