workflow request archive table

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workflow request archive table

Unread post by CathyC »

I was talking with Akshay and we saw registration workflow in EC had logic that looked for the absence of a workflow request db table record to say that the workflow had finished successfully.

This seemed weird to us, but neither of us worked with this workflow or others before too heavily.

When a workflow reaches terminate, does it automatically get deleted from the workflow requests table and moved to the archive table? I thought I remembered something like that in EP 4.8 and wasnt sure if I remembered it right or if it does that still.
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Re: workflow request archive table

Unread post by SteveCap »

Yes, when a workflow finishes the request table record will be removed and it will be inserted into the archive table.
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Re: workflow request archive table

Unread post by AkshayKhanolkar »

We are working on a MVC platform 1 app and this is not the case. I see Workflow_Requests that are at status terminate still exist in the table.
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Re: workflow request archive table

Unread post by AkshayKhanolkar »

On the approve and Deny paths there was a query in the internal workings of the service.
""Error in query. See inner exception for more details. String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated. Query:insert into EP_Platform_DV.Cantex_EASYCommerceMVC_Base.Workflow_Request_Archives select * from EP_Platform_DV.Cantex_EASYCommerceMVC_Base.Workflow_Requests where workflowRequestId = @workflowRequestId"
This happens on Cantex probably because the archive table has char(50) on Status and LastStatus column while the workflow table has char(200). Could someone help set those columns to char(200) ? The IDE will not let me modify base tables"

Once this issue was solved for Cantex the "Workflow_Request_Archives" table started populating. The records are now being deleted by "Workflow_Requests".
word count: 128
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