ToDate Failed to parse given JDEDate
Posted: June 15th, 2023, 4:11 pm
VIEW-10000167 in product EC MVC
When filtering the Statement Date, the service converts the date to JDE. However when attempting to sort a column, the ToDate service is ran again and I'm getting the following error.
<Message>Failed to parse StatementDate Date: 117212 into Format: </Message>
Parameters passed filtering without using the sorting feature
Parameters passed when error is displayed (after filter is applied and triggering the sort control)
The setup of the ToDate service is displayed below
When filtering the Statement Date, the service converts the date to JDE. However when attempting to sort a column, the ToDate service is ran again and I'm getting the following error.
<Message>Failed to parse StatementDate Date: 117212 into Format: </Message>
Parameters passed filtering without using the sorting feature
Parameters passed when error is displayed (after filter is applied and triggering the sort control)
The setup of the ToDate service is displayed below