Merge keys not registering

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Merge keys not registering

Unread post by CathyC »

In EC MVC, in the method UniversalCartChange, there is a service MergeTargetedNodes named MergeCartLineId.

In EC MVC PD, it doesn't have any keys
In classic where it was imported from, it has the keys:
The fix was to add back the keys manually for this one service we found the issue in.

I'm not sure if it was some automatic process for the conversion at the time this EC MVC was created (a couple of years ago by now?). It might have been manual change, though there is no way to check if this method has been in any project before the current one to fix this since the application was created and this method imported. If we could that would confirm if it was a manual change or something automatically done where the keys were lost.
I'm posting in case it is relevant in the future for another EC project
word count: 154

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