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Copy Event Mappings

Posted: February 4th, 2022, 4:57 pm
by JefferyD
Is there a way to copy and restore events configured for a control?

I had an issue where an event partially corrupted, but I couldn't find a way to retain the working portions and had to recreate the event from scratch. Normally this isn't a huge concern, but this event was configured to a controller with ~30 parameters and I ended up having to retry a couple times before I found out that the control itself was also corrupted.

Ultimately, an entirely new control was needed to replace the existing bad one before I was able to successfully reconfigure the event.

Re: Copy Event Mappings

Posted: February 9th, 2022, 9:58 am
by SumanPrasad
You should be table to copy a control and paste it and that should copy its entire event list. We will put this feature in our development queue. We will update this post with task# when created and when it goes to PD.

Re: Copy Event Mappings

Posted: February 9th, 2022, 11:33 am
by SumanPrasad
After discussing with product team, looks like there are issues with copying event. Our copy and paste works across the canvas and app. You can copy one control from one canvas to another. However, if we add events to it, it will not work in any other canvas as they most likely will not have same controller and parameter set. Event mappings can only be copied if you copy entire view using duplicate feature.

Re: Copy Event Mappings

Posted: March 15th, 2022, 5:27 pm
by JefferyD
Then alternatively, could event parameters have a feature similar to the "Edit Nodes As CSV" feature for method services? Essentially just some way to bulk edit the parameters would help a lot.

Re: Copy Event Mappings

Posted: June 22nd, 2022, 8:23 pm
by JefferyD
Updated post to feature suggestion. Having a way to edit events like the "Edit Nodes As CSV" feature for method services would be a great way to make events much easier to copy, edit, and even archive.

Re: Copy Event Mappings

Posted: May 19th, 2023, 11:46 am
by CathyC
Task 11431 was created to track the discussion of the feature request.

I opened task 11432 to talk to Suman about what he mentioned. If its working as intended or that is just an observation on how it is currently working and a fix should be made.

Re: Copy Event Mappings

Posted: June 8th, 2023, 5:02 pm
by CathyC
I discussed this with the internal team and got some clarification:
Copying events within the same view works. Outside of the same view, the field may not exist, so this doesn't work. This is how it is intended to reduce confusion. This would have solved the original issue raised by Jeff.
Closing task 11432 which was to track that discussion.

Task 11431 is for the feature request to have a "Edit Nodes as CSV" option to edit events. This task is still open and this forum post will be updated when its completed