Static Files in Bulk

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Joined: August 31st, 2021, 11:37 am

Static Files in Bulk

Unread post by JefferyD »

When adding a folder structure to the application, each folder needs to be created manually and then it's contents uploaded. The more folders there are, the more time consuming this can become. Could a feature be made that would let a ZIP file be uploaded with the option to extract it to a specified location after uploading?
word count: 58

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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 5:21 pm

Re: Static Files in Bulk

Unread post by SumanPrasad »

Our plan is to give a JS based file manager where you can then create folders as you do in windows explorer.
A task 10086 is created.
We will also handle SCM (Source Control Management) aspect of static files as part of this task.
word count: 44
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