Item Import batch job not showing logs

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Item Import batch job not showing logs

Unread post by AkshayKhanolkar »

I was running the item import batch job for a client in the Dev environment. I see logs for the Sub-process MainItemImport but do not see logs for any other sub-processes or even the main Item Import process. Is there a way to see these in the application logs or old log viewer?
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Re: Item Import batch job not showing logs

Unread post by SteveCap »

Batchjob logs work a little differently than say a pages log. Typically the logs will not get printed until the entire processes has completed. But in a batch job (Sub)Method calls and loops will print their logs upon their own completion and can then be viewed earlier. Once the batchjob finishes you should then get the actual batchjobs logs to print and then can be viewed from the logs page just like any other.
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Re: Item Import batch job not showing logs

Unread post by CathyC »

I also recently ran into this issue and it was while trying to run a batch job for a large number of records. I assumed it was because process of writing the logs after it finished took so long that it crashed (which used to happen, not sure if it would anymore). But then when I told Matt M, he said that it was because of a different bug and my notes probably were getting created.

If you go to the batch job and go to log tab, it selects the type of EP_BatchJob when it should be Batch Job. So the logs were probably there but under the correct type

This is happening in Classic and MVC

If this isnt already raised in a task, can we have a task for it?
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Re: Item Import batch job not showing logs

Unread post by CathyC »

Here is a screenshot of the batch job issue.
it shows EP_BatchJob

but the right one is BatchJob (I think?). One of them is wrong and the one that the page loads with is wrong
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Re: Item Import batch job not showing logs

Unread post by SteveCap »

Task 11483 has been created to fix this issue.
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