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Cannot Forward to New Tab

Posted: April 7th, 2023, 11:28 am
by JefferyD
From a controller, I was looking to forward the user to a new browser window/tab. I was looking at the "Forward" service, but I do not see anything akin to the "target" attribute of an "<a></a>". Is there another service for this purpose?


I also looked at the "OpenWindow" service, but that seems to create a child window and I'm looking to open an entirely new window/tab instead.

Re: Cannot Forward to New Tab

Posted: June 27th, 2023, 10:47 am
by CathyC
There is a taskĀ (#11147) for the OpenWindow service to have a Target parameter added. That task is already approved and waiting to be worked on.

Let me know if you would like a task to be opened to discuss adding a target parameter to the forward service. otherwise, I wont add one.
I will see about moving task 11147 up in priority to get it completed sooner