Weekly Upgrade Announcement 3/20/2023

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Weekly Upgrade Announcement 3/20/2023

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Platform Upgrade Schedule
On Monday March 27th, the IDE/DV/QA environments for Platform1, Platform2, Platform3, and Platform4 will be upgraded to DesignTime Revision 2564 and RunTime Revision 1183. Platform1, Platform2, and Platform4 will begin their upgrade at 10:AM CST with an expected completion time of 3:30PM CST. Platform3 will begin its upgrade at 12:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 12:30PM CST.

On Wednesday March 29th, the PD environment for Platform1, Platform2, Platform3, and Platform4 will be upgraded to RunTime Revision 1183. Platform1, Platform2, and Platform4 will begin their upgrade at 3:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 3:30PM CST. Platform3 will begin its upgrade at 12:00PM with an expected completion time of 12:30PM CST.

Revision 2561 And RunTime Revision 1180: Date Time Logic Improvement
  • The format date time logic has been split into formats and presets allowing for more control over showing and manipulating date times in EASYProcess. On the CurrentDate and ToDate services the to/from format nodes have been split into format and preset with all existing static values being set to the correct node. Dynamic values will stay in the format node and work as they have been, but this will be deprecated at a later date. The Named TimeZones And Formats page has been renamed to Preset Date Times and now allows the setup of user override presets, which were automatic before, for TimeZones, Cultures, and Format, which can be set to either the user's LongDatePattern or ShortDatePattern. This page previously referenced the Connector application for the values, but now has been changed to reference each individual application.
Revision 2562: Role and Object List Deletion Confirmation
  • Added a confirmation dialog on the IDE when trying to delete a role or object list.
Revision 2563: User and Auth Type Deletion Confirmation
  • A confirmation for user deletion and authorization type deletion/removal has been added.

Revision 1181: UpdateElement TextBox Title Fix
  • Textbox titles are failing to move up when text enters the textbox via the UpdateElement service. A check for this scenario has been added to run the code to move the title.
Revision 1183: Invoice Workshop PO Lookup Fix
  • The PO lookup on invoices is not working as expected. Made changes on the Invoice workshop services to properly lookup the PO on invoices.

Revision 134: ECC With Proxy Connection
  • Implemented the ability to allow ECC connections via a proxy.
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