Weekly Upgrade Announcement 3/13/2023

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Weekly Upgrade Announcement 3/13/2023

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Platform Upgrade Schedule
On Monday March 20th, the IDE/DV/QA environments for Platform1, Platform2, Platform3, and Platform4 will be upgraded to DesignTime Revision 2560 and RunTime Revision 1179. Platform1, Platform2, and Platform4 will begin their upgrade at 10:AM CST with an expected completion time of 3:30PM CST. Platform3 will begin its upgrade at 12:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 12:30PM CST.

On Wednesday March 22nd, the PD environment for Platform1, Platform2, Platform3, and Platform4 will be upgraded to RunTime Revision 1179. Platform1, Platform2, and Platform4 will begin their upgrade at 3:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 3:30PM CST. Platform3 will begin its upgrade at 12:00PM with an expected completion time of 12:30PM CST.

Revision 2560: List/Grid Wizard Fixes
  • Updated some references in services and controls made via the List/Grid Wizard.

Revision 1179: WorkflowNotification Method Update
  • Updated the Workflow Notification method template to incorporate the latest services and workflow changes.
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