Weekly Upgrade Announcement 1/23/23

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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:56 am

Weekly Upgrade Announcement 1/23/23

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Platform Upgrade Schedule
On Monday January 30th, the IDE/DV/QA environments for Platform1, Platform2, Platform3, and Platform4 will be upgraded to DesignTime Revision 2529 and RunTime Revision 1161. Platform1, Platform2, and Platform4 will begin their upgrade at 10:AM CST with an expected completion time of 3:30PM CST. Platform3 will begin its upgrade at 12:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 12:30PM CST.
NOTE: Promotions from QA to PD will throw an error and not promote until PD is upgraded.

On Wednesday February 1st, the PD environment for Platform1, Platform2, Platform3, and Platform4 will be upgraded to RunTime Revision 1161. Platform1, Platform2, and Platform4 will begin their upgrade at 3:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 3:30PM CST. Platform3 will begin its upgrade at 12:00PM with an expected completion time of 12:30PM CST.

Revision 2515 and RunTime Revision 1156: Switch Service Changes
  • Made the following changes and fixes to the Switch service and connections in general
    • The Default connection now is bolded and is set to orange.
    • Special characters like $ and the space character are allowed in the exit names.
    • An exit can have the name "Default" and is visually distinguishable from the default exit by the boldness.
    • The connections from each exit of the Switch service now display the color of the exit and the exit name on both ends of the connection.
    • The Exit Editor icon has been changed for better clarity.
    • Deleting an object with a connection to that object no longer throws an error and fails to delete the object.
    • The switch service now properly exits each expression whether it fails to match an existing exit or and existing exit does not connect to another service.
Revision 2516: Configuration Value Display
  • The Logic Canvas's Configuration tab will now display the selected configuration's value, if it exists, in a box on the bottom of the tab.
Revision 2517: Function List Sorting
  • The EASYProcess and XSLT functions list in the Logic Canvas are now sorted alphabetically.
Revision 2518 and RunTime Revision 1158: Conversion Services
  • Added two new services called ExcelToPDF and HtmlToWord in the Files and Folders workshop.
Revision 2519: QueryBuilder Icon Move
  • The QueryBuilder editor icon has been moved from the node itself to the toolbar at the top of this page and can only be seen when the TableName or Query nodes are selected.
Revision 2521: Quick View XML Formatting
  • The Quick View window is failing to properly display the selected service's XML in a formatted view. The window creation has been reworked and and the XML is now displayed with proper formatting.
Revision 2522: List And Grid Controls
  • The current List / Grid control has been renamed to "List / Grid with Wizard" and re-added the regular List control and Grid control so that they can be added without the wizard.
Revision 2523: Method Tab Add Method Removal
  • In the Logic Canvas the "Add Method" icon and logic has been removed since this must be done through a project.
Revision 2524: List Row Selection Consistency
  • The list controls 2nd and 3rd rows don't select as expected. The control selection in a list has been improved and will show mirrored selection and the rows and cells inside the list properly show the selection color.
Revision 2525: SubMethod Title Fix
  • The parent type shown in the title of the canvas of a SubMethod inside a View always shows Model. The proper parent type will now display in the title of the canvas.
Revision 2526: Controller Output in Assistant Panel
  • All controllers are now visible in the Assistant panel for other controllers to allow for ease of use. The View output has also been renamed to Model in the Assistant panel.
Revision 2527: Log Tab Reloading Changes
  • The logs tab will no longer refresh when switching to the tab on any canvas and the seconds counter in the tab will tell the user how long its been since the logs have been searched/loaded.
Revision 2528: Table Resizing Fix
  • When a table has been resized right after the load of the canvas, then the the table and its children have their HTMLEncode and Translate properties reset. This has been resolved and these properties will no longer change after resizing.
Revision 2529: ConnectionManager Changes
  • The links for adding/removing connections, instances, and variables have been removed and are now only possible through a project in the Connector Application. 
  • Resolved some issues with the JDEdwardsOrchestration Connection by defaulting the ECC value to true.

Revision 1155: Connection Object Fix
  • Some connection records have incorrect vales that are preventing the loading of that canvas. This does not affect the process running. An update has been ran to fix the broken records.
Revision 1157: Connection Table Change Fixes
  • Building of certain services are referencing a removed column of the Connection table. These references have been replaced with the updated version.
Revision 1159: Switch Service Blank Exit Names
  • Blank exits are now allowed with the switch service.
Revision 1161: JDE Orchestration Connection Fix
  • Updated all JDEdwardsOrchestration connections to use ECC.
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