Additional Where Clause issue

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Joined: February 10th, 2022, 10:16 am

Additional Where Clause issue

Unread post by CameronDouthitt »

Additional Where Clause issue(MVC):

I have found a few Inquire services that have issues with the where clause.

When run, the query will duplicate the where clause piece that was the old Additional Where Clause. Except that the xslt doesn't work on the duplicate. So the example is for-each on some item data. The result is something like this:

ItemNumber = '1001' or ItemNumber = '1002' or ItemNumber = '1003'
ItemNumber = '' or ItemNumber = '' or ItemNumber = ''

The only way fix this is to recreate the inquire service.

You can recognize these only by
1. Noticing that your query has a strange duplicate section of where clause.
2. Opening the service, clicking the top part of the inquire, and seeing the Additional Where Clause in the build data.
From this viewing of the service, you can see the Additional Where Clause as well as the same thing converted into an actual where clause block.

Help for a fix needed:
1. I am unsure what caused this. Base MVC EASYCommerce just switched xml processing modes from legacy to current. Maybe that?
2. Is there a way to affect all of these services so that this is fixed without having to manually change all Inquire services this way?
3. At the very least, is there a way to identify each affected query so a manual change can be made?
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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:56 am

Re: Additional Where Clause issue

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

In order to find all instances of this issue you can go to the ReadUpdateDatabaseRecords page. Then select the Instance of Application, the Table Path of System, and the Table Name of ProcessServiceElementNodes for the associated table. You will want to add two keys, one on the ServiceElement column where value = AdditionalWhereClause and the other on the Data column where the operator is like and the value is a blank character like below

Code: Select all

??? ?
This will return the desired records which then must be fixed manually if they have the reported issue.

It seems that the blank character is having some issues, but you can copy in-between the question marks manually to get the character.
word count: 118
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