ECC batch jobs datasize/timeout

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ECC batch jobs datasize/timeout

Unread post by CathyC »

how to use datasize and timeout is not the most intuitive

I have a larger datasize and a huge timeout. I think the assumption was that if we get a bigger chunk of data, as long as we give ourselves a ton of time to get it, it'd be fine. but in practice, a similar ratio of smaller chunk to smaller time is what succeeded.
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when it did fail, it took the full timeout, then returned the error.
We fixed it for the one batch job, but then forgot another to set it for.

Is it possible to make it a global setting?
Or can someone explain why it would need to be different for different batch jobs?
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Re: ECC batch jobs datasize/timeout

Unread post by SteveCap »

There is task #10952 to address the data size confusion.
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Re: ECC batch jobs datasize/timeout

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This change has been implemented as of DesignTime Revision 2463 and RunTime Revision 1125 and ECC Revision 127.
word count: 18
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