WhereClause UI Displayed in Non-Query Services

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WhereClause UI Displayed in Non-Query Services

Unread post by Joe »

After opening a query WhereClause section, and then opening another service, the WhereClause UI will remain in the top right corner in the new service screen. See an example below with steps to replicate:
  1. Drag an Inquire onto the canvas, open it and add a Filter to the WhereClause. Click on the Filter.
  2. Drag another non-query service onto the same canvas and open it. In this case I used a Binary Decision. From here, click back into the Inquire using the tabs at the top.
  3. From the Inquire, switch back to the Binary Decision using the tab. The WhereClause UI is stuck in the same place, but now in the Binary Decision screen.
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Re: WhereClause UI Displayed in Non-Query Services

Unread post by SteveCap »

Task #10964 has been created to fix this issue.
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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:56 am

Re: WhereClause UI Displayed in Non-Query Services

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This issue has been resolved in a previous DesignTime revision.
word count: 10
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