Workflow request stuck

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Workflow request stuck

Unread post by smackie »

I have a workflow request that through an exception when the user was attempting to approve it show it is stuck in the approve status and should be in a terminate status. How do I correct this? Also, I have a request that is in the requestor queue, but that person is no longer available how can move that request to either another requestor or move it to the next phase of the workflow which would be approver queue?
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Re: Workflow request stuck

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Hello Sheryl,

Can you email me a copy of the exception with the stack trace and I can look into the issue.

For the workflow request with the unavailable person I would recommend using the AssignOwner service to add another requester to that workflow request.
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Re: Workflow request stuck

Unread post by smackie »

Hi Justin,

So I tracked the issue, just don’t know why it is happening. The problem is due to a binary decision returning the wrong response so as the process continues it cannot find the requested data as it doesn’t exist but the binary decision said it did incorrectly. I see that task 10676 has been created to resolve the issue so hopefully that will fix this one as well. Thanks for looking into this for me.

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Re: Workflow request stuck

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »


Sounds good, we will get this Binary Decision issue resolved as soon as possible.
word count: 15
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