Workflow Status Description
Posted: August 18th, 2022, 11:47 am
In EASYProcess 5.1 Classic/MVC we are unable to edit workflow status descriptions.
when statuses are multiple words, to be a valid status name in easyprocess, we take special characters out and spaces. So "Tech Dev" becomes "TechDev". That part isnt a big deal, but then when we want to display it on application pages to show history or info useful to the end users, we have to do one of the following solutions to display it:
REQUEST 2: Can Workflow Status Names and Status Exits be changed to allow underscores their names?
REQUEST 3: Can Workflow status exits also have a description field where we put the readable name to show to end users?
when statuses are multiple words, to be a valid status name in easyprocess, we take special characters out and spaces. So "Tech Dev" becomes "TechDev". That part isnt a big deal, but then when we want to display it on application pages to show history or info useful to the end users, we have to do one of the following solutions to display it:
- Leave it with no spaces. It doesnt look the best, but its the easiest
- Have a developer made db table to store the desired description for each status. join to that and show that field (extra work)
- hard code it in the query that retrieves from the workflow table to say CASE WHEN VALUE = 'TechDev' THEN 'Tech Dev' (bad to hard code)
REQUEST 2: Can Workflow Status Names and Status Exits be changed to allow underscores their names?
REQUEST 3: Can Workflow status exits also have a description field where we put the readable name to show to end users?