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Workflow Connector

Posted: August 18th, 2022, 11:37 am
by CathyC
In EASYProcess 4.8, a connector in a workflow worked like portal. if you named one "test" and put another matching one named "test" somewhere else, it would pop out there.
in EASYProcess 4.8, a connector in a process worked like a service that did nothing, but not a portal. if you wanted the process to continue after it, it had to connect to the next service.

In 5.1 Classic/MVC Workflows dont have connectors. It would be helpful if they had the portal type connector service.

see below a workflow canvas that a lot of work went into to make it because of the line organization

Re: Workflow Connector

Posted: October 14th, 2022, 12:47 pm
by SteveCap
Task #10880 has been created for this feature.

Re: Workflow Connector

Posted: July 31st, 2023, 10:54 am
by CathyC
the previous task, 10880, was closed to consolidate with task 10726. This task is still in the queue to be worked on, though I did discuss with the internal team and this was agreed to be a good idea for a feature to add back