Widget Control Properties Displayed Incorrectly

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Widget Control Properties Displayed Incorrectly

Unread post by JefferyD »

When creating new controls, many properties show as changed by user and some defaults are applied that do not match what is displayed.

  • Make it so that properties could show if they have been edited vs not set
  • Prevent newly added controls from having any "Changed By User" properties
  • If any properties are not set, either show the real default or somehow show that it's not actually set

Example of unclear defaults:
Resetting DisplayProgressLocation blanks it out, but it seems to default to "Mouse Location".
Resetting DisplayProgressAnimation sets it to "False", but it behaves like it's "True". Manually setting it to "False" works, but there's no way to distinguish if it's actually "False" or been reset.
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image.png (5.18 KiB) Viewed 982 times

Example of properties for a new textbox showing as changed by user:
Of these properties, DownloadMode and Translate cannot ever actually be made blank even when trying to reset the values.
Resetting them changes them to the following:
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image.png (5.4 KiB) Viewed 982 times
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Re: Widget Control Properties Displayed Incorrectly

Unread post by SteveCap »

Task #10581 has been created. This post will be updated when it has been completed.
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Re: Widget Control Properties Displayed Incorrectly

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

The "Changed By User" section bug has been resolved as of DesignTime revision 2347.
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Re: Widget Control Properties Displayed Incorrectly

Unread post by JefferyD »

Is there still a task for the incorrect defaults being displayed? I found another case where the default value displayed and the default value being applied are different.
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image.png (6.43 KiB) Viewed 908 times
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Re: Widget Control Properties Displayed Incorrectly

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Task 10814 has been created to update the canvas to properly display the currently used default values.
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Re: Widget Control Properties Displayed Incorrectly

Unread post by CathyC »

Update: Task 10581 has been closed and this will be completed in the new task 10814
word count: 16
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