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Convert JDE dates in Classic

Posted: June 10th, 2022, 2:18 pm
by smoady
In MVC, I used the ToDate and the merge service to convert a set of JDE dates to another format.
in Classic, I'm using the ConvertFromJDEdate and the MergeTargetedNodes to do so. but based on the logs it is showing that its converting only the first node from the JDE format.
Below is the setup of the services + logs

Re: Convert JDE dates in Classic

Posted: June 10th, 2022, 2:48 pm
by CathyC
To clarify, ToDate should be available in classic applications too, but its kind of newer (the Data Conversion services were created in the last year I think) and if your working somewhere that hasnt been upgraded to a revision within that time frame, it wouldnt be available.

For the ConvertFromJDEDate service, I see it is in a service level xsl for each loop, did you check that the append output flag is on for that service? for things in a service level for each loop, that has to be on so it doesnt overwrite it self

I see in your merge it is not working because you are saying it should match these two nodes to know how the merge should be performed:
but from the screenshot I see that ConverFromJdeData doesnt have that child node. So it looks for those paths and when it finds nothing, it doesnt perform any merge.

Re: Convert JDE dates in Classic

Posted: June 10th, 2022, 3:00 pm
by CathyC
key 1 is the node that belongs as a direct child of what you put in the node 1 value.
key 2 is the same but for node 2.

Merge says , i will look in key 1 and key 2 and where they have the same VALUE, i will merge the results from node 2 over to node 1

that's what a typical merge does. but you are using a targeted merge. That does almost the same thing, but then after it knows how to perform the merge it says "instead of giving ALL of the children of node 2 over to node 1, I will give only the one outlined in the "ChildNode" parameter. and I will name it something else, whatever is given in the"NodeName" parameter.

Re: Convert JDE dates in Classic

Posted: June 10th, 2022, 5:02 pm
by smoady
Final MergeTargetedNode Service inputs