Weekly Upgrade Announcement 6/6/22

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Weekly Upgrade Announcement 6/6/22

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Platform Upgrade Schedule
On Monday June 13th, the IDE/DV/QA environments for Platform1, Platform2, Platform3, and Platform4 will be upgraded to DesignTime Revision 2311 and RunTime Revision 993. Platform1, Platform2, and Platform4 will begin their upgrade at 3:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 3:30PM CST. Platform3 will begin its upgrade at 12:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 12:30PM CST.

On Thursday June 15th, the PD environment for Platform1, Platform2, Platform3, and Platform4 will be upgraded to RunTime Revision 993. Platform1, Platform2, and Platform4 will begin their upgrade at 3:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 3:30PM CST. Platform3 will begin its upgrade at 12:00PM with an expected completion time of 12:30PM CST.

Revision 2307 and RunTime Revision 989: Run To Logic Canvas Feature
  • Implemented a new feature in the Logic Canvas toolbar for users to select a service and run to the selected service. The “Run” icons have been switched around to provide a better visual description of the action they perform.

    The first icon, which is the single triangle, runs the entire process from start to terminate.

    The second icon, which is the two smaller triangles, runs a single service at a time.

    The final icon, which is the triangle and the line, is the new run to feature. This runs the process from the start service to the selected service or the terminate service depending on which one it hits first.

    There has also been a ForEachNode icon added to the bottom left of the service with a ForEachNode inside that service. Hovering over the service will tell the user the ForEachNode value.
Revision 2308 and RunTime Revision 990: Rest Sharp Implementation
  • Implemented the ability to use the Rest Sharp library with the RESTWorkshop Request service.
Revision 2309 and RunTime Revision 991: Mask Service Changes
  • Modified the MaskData service to allow the developer to set the mask character and to set a start and end index for what to mask of the given string.
Revision 2310 and RunTime Revision 992: Check Access Service Change
  • The UserId node has an incorrect default value. This has been changed to use the correct UserId value and implemented a Recommended Values dropdown for the ObjectType service node.
Revision 2311: User Services Changes
  • Removed the GetUser service from the deprecation list and put it back in the regular service list. Removed the required flag from the UserAuthorizationType node in the ModifyUserSessionProperties service.

Revision 993: MVC Set Password Page Fix
  • The template pages of SetPassword and AppUser were rebuilt and had its events recreated.
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