Mask Data Service

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Mask Data Service

Unread post by smackie »

I am trying to use the mask data service; however it appears to not be working at this time. Also, it would great if you could enter parameters to the service to limit what get masked, i.e. I want to mask the account number but I want the last four to show, so I would set the text to the account number but have the ability to tell it not mask the last four digits.
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Re: Mask Data Service

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Hello Sheryl, I have created task 10498 to address the MaskData service. This post will get updated when a revision is out for this feature.
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Re: Mask Data Service

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

These features have been implemented as of DesignTime Revision 2309 and RunTime Revision 991.
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Re: Mask Data Service

Unread post by smackie »

Hi Justin,

I just tried the mask data service in the canvas and nothing happened still is this feature only available to test via the webpage? I noticed that when I use my webpage that the data is masked as setup, but just wanted to verify that this service will not be available to test via canvas.
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Re: Mask Data Service

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Hello Sheryl,

I am looking into it and will fix the issue you are experiencing.
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Re: Mask Data Service

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Hello Sheryl,

The MaskData service definitely should work when running it in the canvas. Here is how I setup a test:

The service with the text to mask:
The MaskData service:
The Output:
Are you able to elaborate on how you have yours setup?
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Re: Mask Data Service

Unread post by smackie »

Hi Justin,

I was trying to enter text in the text field of the service and then run the mask service which results in no output. I have since simply setup the service as desired and ran it through the progress and I see it works great.
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Re: Mask Data Service

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Hello Sheryl, RunTime Revision 996 will fix your issue of the mask service returning no output and should fix any issue of running it in the canvas.
word count: 27
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