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The Expose output flag is locked on CallMethod

Posted: June 2nd, 2022, 5:32 pm
by AkshayKhanolkar
While working on 5.1 MVC EASYCommerce I have noticed CallMethods with their expose output flags turned on. They will also show up with the green dot. When I drag a new similar method in, that new method will also display the checked flag and the green dot.
This is a CallMethod that was copied over from EASYCommerece base.
This is a new CallMethod that was dragged in 5.1 MVC

Re: The Expose output flag is locked on CallMethod

Posted: June 6th, 2022, 8:50 am
by SteveCap
This was intentional. You cannot turn off Expose Output on a Call service.

Re: The Expose output flag is locked on CallMethod

Posted: June 27th, 2022, 2:41 pm
by CathyC
Why would you need that to say as output True?

I want to understand the use case for it because currently I set output true to anything that could be referenced from the page. and for our best practices, we will not be reaching into a method to reference something for output.

Re: The Expose output flag is locked on CallMethod

Posted: July 24th, 2023, 11:56 am
by CathyC
I talked to internal team on this. It is done in case the developer wants to reference any output from another method call. This is so that any nested services marked as output also get shown as possible options to select from the view for dynamic reference