How do I find Language Pattern Translations?

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How do I find Language Pattern Translations?

Unread post by CathyC »

How does the language feature work?

It was my impression it works so when a foreign language is selected and a page is loaded, it performs these steps:
  1. Check if the text on the page should be translated. Various places need to have their text flagged as something that should be translated. If it shouldnt be translated, leave it alone
  2. If text should be translated, check that it has a match in a pattern. If so, it will have a translation to use for it, use that.
  3. If no pattern exists, check that it has a static entry in the dictionary. If it has a match, use that translation
  4. If none exists, create a static dictionary entry. It wont use it this time, but next time the page loads it will use this.
  5. Load the page with the untranslated text.
but when I go to the translation page and view the patterns, it doesnt show the translations for patterns, so I'm not sure the above is correct
Language Patterns has no search bar.PNG
I need to change the translation for a pattern. Where do I go to do that?
Last edited by CathyC on May 1st, 2023, 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 184

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Re: How do I find Language Pattern Translations?

Unread post by CathyC »

I see translations for my patterns in the usual translation place, but I assumed these were records created before I had created the pattern. Though now that I see the text is starting in German, I think my order of how this works with patterns is a little wrong
Pattern in translations.PNG
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Re: How do I find Language Pattern Translations?

Unread post by SteveCap »

Currently you can only edit whatever has already been translated by going to the Work with Translations page.
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Re: How do I find Language Pattern Translations?

Unread post by SteveCap »

When looking for translations it will first look at the translations that were already saved and look for the matching text. If it is found it will use that. If no match is found it will then look for a pattern and use that translation.
word count: 45
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