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5.1 MVC Binary Decisions

Posted: May 24th, 2022, 4:05 pm
by AkshayKhanolkar
While working on the GetCartId process for EASYCommerce I found that we could change the names for services without checking them out. This is just a visual bug and the information I type does not commit to the database. So if you refresh the page the names go back to the originals.

Even though this is only a visual bug it might be confusing for a new developer.
Another issue with the binary decision is that we cannot see the exposed output property. This property is irrelevant for specifically binary decisions. But it would be nice to see them.

Re: 5.1 MVC Binary Decisions

Posted: May 25th, 2022, 4:18 pm
by SteveCap
Task #10476 has been created

Re: 5.1 MVC Binary Decisions

Posted: May 26th, 2022, 1:10 pm
by AkshayKhanolkar
There are 3 separate issues here.

1. The binary needs to show the existing output flag in the properties.
2. The green color dot for the property - expose output needs to be added for the binary decisions.
3. When you are on any service that has the property - expose output and you open a binary, the entire canvas losses the property.

Re: 5.1 MVC Binary Decisions

Posted: July 12th, 2022, 2:43 pm
by CathyC
Explanation of Bug #2:

Append service output and catch exception are turned on for this binary, but no dots show on the canvas

Re: 5.1 MVC Binary Decisions

Posted: July 12th, 2022, 2:47 pm
by AkshayKhanolkar
Explanation of Bug #3:

1. Focus on any service with an Expose output property.

2. Move focus to a binary decision.

3. Move focus back to the initial service or any other service and the expose output property is missing now.

Re: 5.1 MVC Binary Decisions

Posted: July 12th, 2022, 2:48 pm
by CathyC
Explanation of Bug #0:

When looking at this method in QA, in read only mode
I can change the name of the service and it changes on the cavnas. It should not change and tell me its read only. Otherwise it implies that I am making real changes.
This is the bug that Task #10476 was already created for

Re: 5.1 MVC Binary Decisions

Posted: July 12th, 2022, 2:53 pm
by CathyC
Explanation of Bug #1:

This one is not relevant to us anymore. What happened might be related to bug #3 because the end result was looking at a binary decision and knowing it has output true, but seeing the box NOT checked.

It is not relevant anymore because we dont use classic mode in this method call, we are using the MethodOutput service everywhere

Re: 5.1 MVC Binary Decisions

Posted: March 8th, 2023, 12:01 pm
by CathyC
Task 10476 was closed as a duplicate of:

Task Name:
Shouldnt be able to change service properties while in ReadOnly
Task Number:

Re: 5.1 MVC Binary Decisions

Posted: May 10th, 2023, 11:36 am
by CathyC
Since this may have been hard to follow, here is a summary of all the bugs. Since this is an old post, they may need to be retested to see if they are still occurring. These were experienced in 5.1 classic.

Bug 0: Can change the names of services and it changes on the canvas. Shouldnt be able to
Task 10476 Replaced with task 11156

Bug 1: Binary has OutputTrue, but its box in properties is NOT checked
This might still be a bug, but for our use, we are no longer waiting on a solution

Bug 2: The dots on the service for property (Green - expose output, Red - catch exception) needs to be added for the binary decisions.
These are added already for Boolean and Switch services.

Bug 3: Properties are not accurate in a bad visual bug. Steps to recreate: 1) focus on any service with an expose output property. see that the option appears in the properties window in the left panel. 2) move focus to a binary decision. this service does not have that property. see that it is missing from the left panel now. 3) return focus to the initial service. It now also is missing the expose output property!

Re: 5.1 MVC Binary Decisions

Posted: May 23rd, 2023, 12:03 pm
by JustinVanRegenmorter
Bug 0 has been resolved as of DesignTime revision 2613.