Query builder and column recommended values

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Query builder and column recommended values

Unread post by btyrell »

I have a client that added extra security to JDE, and they needed to whitelist every table used in the portal. After this, the query builder and column recommended values stopped working.

What needs to be whitelisted in JDE to get these to populate?
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Re: Query builder and column recommended values

Unread post by SteveCap »

EASYProcess needs access to the tables that have the definitions. This varies database type to database type.
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Re: Query builder and column recommended values

Unread post by btyrell »

Do you know what is needed for a JDE instance sitting on an MSSQL database?
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Re: Query builder and column recommended values

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

For MSSQL tables EASYProcess reads from {DBName}.sys.Tables and for columns the GetSchemaTable function is used to populate.
word count: 19
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