Service that can perform Mass Inserts?

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Service that can perform Mass Inserts?

Unread post by AkshayKhanolkar »

I was working through cleaning up EASYCommerce MVC 5.1. We have a lot of upserts throughout the user setup and login/impersonation processes. All of these are trying to perform batch inserts over a block of shipping/billing address columns. Is there a way to do a mass insert right now? If not, could this be something that could be achieved?

Currently, we loop over the shipping addresses as such to perform the updates/inserts:
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Re: Service that can perform Mass Inserts?

Unread post by CathyC »

A couple of weeks ago I had a call with the internal team and they said this was worth doing. It may require more discussion still and a task to be created from it, but it would be useful for developers
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Re: Service that can perform Mass Inserts?

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Task 10608 has been created for this feature request.
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