GetUser: Depricated

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GetUser: Depricated

Unread post by AkshayKhanolkar »

GetUser service. It returns all the user properties and their values. It is deprecated. Could it either be undeprecated or can we be given a newer service to use. Our use case: given a userid, we need to set user address restrictions. we pass in the userid and expect it to return the user authorization type and other saved info about the user's address.
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Re: GetUser: Depricated

Unread post by SteveCap »

The service was deprecated because you can query the database for the information you need. Users are stored in the security (Identity & Access Management) application's EPUsers table in the _Base schema. The application user property definitions are stored in the User_Properties table and the values are stored in the User_Property_Values table both in the _Base schema.
word count: 60
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Re: GetUser: Depricated

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Task 10507 has been created to un-deprecate the service. This post will be updated once it has a revision.
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Re: GetUser: Depricated

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This issue has been resolved as of DesignTime Revision 2311.
word count: 10
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