Weekly Upgrade Announcement 4/4/22

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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:56 am

Weekly Upgrade Announcement 4/4/22

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Revision 2223: User Upload Email Change
  • The new user email that is sent via the user upload feature has been updated to look cleaner.
Revision 2224: Quick View Fix
  • The quick view for the loop service fails to open and throws an error. This has been resolved and the quick view popup can load loop services.
Revision 2225: Logs Viewer Changes
  • Added in the context menu in the LogsViewer for the log nodes so that users can grab XSLT variables from there. The Logs Viewer now also defaults to auto wrapping log text so it's easier to read.
Revision 2226: Missing Config Scrollbar Fix
  • The scrollbar for the "Configs" tab in the Logic Canvas is missing the scrollbar. This has been resolved and the scrollbar now shows.
Revision 2227 and RunTime Revision 928: Notepad Background Image
  • Added a new parameter called BackgroundImageUrl to the signature controller to allow for a background image to be used on the signature pad. This requires a full URL either from the Static Files page or any web URL.
Revision 2228 and RunTime Revision 929: FilesAndFoldersWorkshop Encoding
  • The following Files And Folders Workshop services now have encoding node with a recommended values dropdown for values; WriteFile, AppendFile, ReadAllLines, ReadFile
Revision 2230 and RunTime Revision 932 and ECC Revision 103: Delete SFTP Service Additions
  • Revision Description
    Added the following two SFTP services to the FTP Workshop; SFTP Delete Directory, SFTP Delete File
Revision 2232: Canvas Home Icon
  • All IDE Canvas's now have an icon on the top right corner of the canvas that links to the EASYProcess IDE home page. In the Logic Canvas it was moved from the top left corner to the top right corner.
Revision 920: Custom Url Routes
  • Custom URLs allows you to setup alternate URL to access EASYProcess 5.1 Apps. This revision now supports the following paths /Page, /REST, /ControllerEvent, etc.
Revision 924: Classic Translation Fixes
  • The textbox placeholder and checkbox titles now will get translated with the page.
Revision 925: MVC Role Security
  • When a page in an MVC application is secured and has EnforcRoleSecurity set to True users are unable to access that page. This has been resolved and the authorization is properly checked for each user.
Revision 102: SFTP Service in ECC
  • SFTP services are now available to use with ECC.
word count: 389
