Language with Emails and Batch Jobs

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Language with Emails and Batch Jobs

Unread post by CathyC »

Right now I have an application that has multiple languages available to the users. An admin could change their language to German, then create a customer user. When a user is created in the app, an email goes out for the user to set their password and login.

Emails are sent in the language of the current user's session. This is fine when an english speaking admin creates an english speaking user or similar for a German admin/customer. We will run into issues though when a German speaking admin creates an english speaking customer.

Could the email have an input to accept which language to send the email as?
Then when the admin creates the admin, I can add a drop down of the available languages.

This would be useful for batch jobs too if an email is auto sent for all accounts and we would look at the account to know what country it is in and what language that defaults to
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Re: Language with Emails and Batch Jobs

Unread post by SumanPrasad »

We agree that having a parameter to this service will help and make it easier to process email with language. However, to be clear, this will only work for SendWebPartEmail. It will translate email subject also if a language is passed.
If you are sending regular email with texts, you should translate texts with available services.
Task 10319 is created to handle this.
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Re: Language with Emails and Batch Jobs

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This issue has been resolved as of DesingTime Revision 2244 and RunTime Revision 946.
word count: 14
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