Weekly Upgrade Announcement 3/28

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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:56 am

Weekly Upgrade Announcement 3/28

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Revision 2214: Excel User Upload Fix
  • When users were getting created via the excel user upload feature emails were not getting sent out. Fixed how the To Email address was getting sent to the email service.
Revision 2216: Method Tab Fix
  • When a method was opened from the "Method Tab" in the Logic Canvas it was forming an incorrect URL. Removed the current canvas's ids from getting added to the URL.
Revision 2218: Task List Priority Fix
  • The filter inputs on the task list page gets reset when the user updates the task priority. The functionality has been updated to only reload the list.
Revision 2219: Translation Page Fixes
  • The search box on the translation page now defaults to hitting the "Search" button when the user hits enter in the search box. The "CSV Download" button on the translations page list adds the "Change" and "Delete" hyperlink text. Those fields have been set to no longer add the texts for both hyperlinks.
Revision 2220: Database Table UI Fixes
  • When creating a new database table the whole page would refresh when adding a new column and would clear out previously set columns. The existing columns are now kept when adding a new column.
  • When adding a new table it fails to get added to the project. Tables will now get added to the project on creation.
  • Users are only able to add up to 20 columns to a database table. That limit has now been removed.
  • The varchar(MAX) datatype doesn't not get promoted and is set as a different datatype. Added that case to be properly handled on promotion.
  • The AllowNulls section in the Edit Bulk Add doesn't work since all new columns will have that variable as true on creation. This section in the has been removed.
  • Adding a table in the Lab doesn't add it to the project. This will now be added to the workbench on creation.
  • When a user resets the lab, any user created lab tables will not get deleted. They will now get deleted on lab reset.
Revision 912: Classic Translation Fixes
  • The DNDFileUpload control and the downloaded csv data for lists are failing to translate in classic applications. Translation code has been added to the DNDFileUpload and the csv download data for classic applications.
  • When the language is changed from a button on a page, then the header of a page does not properly get set back to the old values. Code has been added to revert the language for template pages.
Revision 914: HelpImageUrl Fix
  • The HelpImageUrl property doesn't do anything if the control has the template property set to modern. Added in code to use the HelpImageUrl property to properly show an icon in a textbox.
Revision 917: List Header Ordering Fix
  • When there are multiple lists generated from the same datasource and one of those lists is ordered the other lists don't reset and results are duplicated in those lists. Added a check on the header sort to grab all lists in the same datasource and reset them to prevent double records.
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