CSS - MVC - Table control issue

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CSS - MVC - Table control issue

Unread post by CameronDouthitt »

There is an automatic table style from the bootstrap file that adds border-collapse:collapse; to all tables by default.

There are many instances when I put padding on a table control as styling. With the above default style is in affect, that padding is not applied. This forces me to apply a border-collapse:initial; style to any table control that I want to add padding to in order to override this default make the padding apply correctly.

Should consider not forcing this default?
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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:18 am

Re: CSS - MVC - Table control issue

Unread post by SteveCap »

Currently the bootstrap files are included as remote files from https://www.jsdelivr.com/ so we do not have control over them. You can go to the site to download them all to then include them. There is task #9382 to add these to the template.

Alternatively to downloading all of bootstrap to change the table boarding you can just override it in one of your existing CSS files.
word count: 69
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