CSS - MVC - Label control issue

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CSS - MVC - Label control issue

Unread post by CameronDouthitt »

When applying a style to the Style property of a label control the functionality is different between Classic and MVC.

Applies the style to the span inside of the containing div. This applies all styles correctly and is the desired functionality.

Applies the style to the containing div for the label control. This applies almost all styles to the span but not the font-size. It applies the font-size to the title of the label control.

I think the Classic functionality is correct and that is how it should work in MVC as well.
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Re: CSS - MVC - Label control issue

Unread post by SteveCap »

Task #10298 has been created. This post will be updated when it has been completed.
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Re: CSS - MVC - Label control issue

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This issue has been resolved as of DesignTime Revision 2279 and RunTime Revision 969.
word count: 14
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