Property Lookup Values Occasionally Reset

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Property Lookup Values Occasionally Reset

Unread post by JefferyD »

I found a bug where values not typed out manually can get reset.

To replicate
  1. For a control, find a property with the magnifying glass
  2. Use the helper to select a value
  3. Increase the size of any table that contains that control as a descendant
  4. Navigate back to the property for that control
In this example below, I set the CellStyle property using the helper and the Style property by manually typing it. When I resized the parent table, CellStyle was reset but Style was not.
Control Properties Flow.png
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Re: Property Lookup Values Occasionally Reset

Unread post by SumanPrasad »

Task 10287 is created for this bug. We will update this post when this revision is released.
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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:56 am

Re: Property Lookup Values Occasionally Reset

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This issue has been resolved as of DesignTime Revision 2243.
word count: 10
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