Workflow Failing in MVC

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Workflow Failing in MVC

Unread post by smackie »

I am working on a workflow, and it is failing at the requestor because it is not pulling in the last status. I set it to inquire against the workflow requests table and pull back the last status based on the document id; however the document id is not being pulled into the inquire. I set it to workdata/_workflow/DocumentID. Attached is the service and the logs from a run showing the document id not being pulled in.
Screenshot_GetLastStatus.png (108.22 KiB) Viewed 7616 times
Screenshot_GetLastStatus.png (108.22 KiB) Viewed 7616 times
Log - Thu Sep 02 2021 14_19_42 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time).txt
(2.54 KiB) Downloaded 534 times
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Re: Workflow Failing in MVC

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Hello Sheryl,

After looking at the logs The xsl path of needs to be .
WorkflowInput.PNG (9.43 KiB) Viewed 7614 times
WorkflowInput.PNG (9.43 KiB) Viewed 7614 times
I will fix _Workflow Inputs to match the capitalization in the logs.
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Re: Workflow Failing in MVC

Unread post by smackie »

Thank you Justin I appreciate the fast response.
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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:56 am

Re: Workflow Failing in MVC

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Hello Sheryl,

The issue that caused the bad xsl path has been resolved and will be applied to your environment at 3:30pm CST today.
word count: 25
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