Weekly EASYProcess Changes 3/14

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Weekly EASYProcess Changes 3/14

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Revision 2196: Copy With Caps Lock Fix
- When Caps Lock is on the user is prevented from copying and pasting on various canvases. This has been resolved and will not block the action.

Revision 2202: Canvas Message Box Fix
- When a canvas throws a service error it will get added to the error list under the "Bell" icon in the top right of the page. If the error is long enough it will extend past the border and be hidden from the user's sight. This has been resolved and wraps around to the next line.

Revision 2203: Blank Task Creation Fix
- When a user has a project and they go to add a new task to it they can add a blank new task if no task is selected. This has been resolved and now has validation to force a task to be selected.

Revision 897: Classic Translations Fixes
- Classic applications were not translating everything that it should be translating. The following instances now will also translate; "Load Next" list button, "Default Text" for select controls, "Display Progress Animation" text, and the tool tip on controls.

Revision 899: Request Output Loading
- The REST Workshop Request service was failling to properly load in output retreived from non KRise API's. The Request service now always adds the output under the response node in the logs.

Revision 900: ToDate Change
- The ToDate service was allowing users to run it without the FromDate node being filled out. New applications will now require users to fill out that node, while any existing applications will still run like before.

Revision 903: CreateServiceNodeFromDatabase Error Fix
- The CreateServiceNodeFromDatabase service throws an error if there are no records to retrieve from being saved to the database and this would include the start time instead of the start position in the error message. This has been replaced with the start position.

Revision 904: File Upload Control Fix
- The DnDFileUpload control would fail to remove the upload animation on the control if the same file is being uploaded to multiple controls on the same page. A unique id based on the HtmlId will be added if the HtmlId is set on the DnDFileUpload controls.
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