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I've noticed some issues with the model treeview when a method call is used.
Methods are automatically expanded in the model treeview on the widget canvas
Classic mode methods show all services instead of just the exposed ones
Exposed services configured as outputs in newer method calls don't show in the treeview
Here "Status" is configured and is working and showing in the logs, but the model treeview on the widget doesn't show it.
The red boxes also show a classic and a regular method call already expanded and the classic method call showing all services instead of the few that are exposed.
Method Output Config.PNG (25.19 KiB) Viewed 1114 times
Method Output Config.PNG (25.19 KiB) Viewed 1114 times
Methods Auto-Expand in Model.png (71.64 KiB) Viewed 1114 times
Methods Auto-Expand in Model.png (71.64 KiB) Viewed 1114 times