CreateServiceNodeFromDatabase StartPosition is a Date

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CreateServiceNodeFromDatabase StartPosition is a Date

Unread post by msweeney »

In my last project, I tried to use the service CreateServiceNodeFromDatabase to read records stored by a previous service that had SaveResultToDatabase=True. However, I was unable to read the records because CreateServiceNodeFromDatabase would always throw an exception
Service with Id 92f3f8b6-191a-47ad-bedf-71e25e3e0adf and position between 3/8/2022 9:48:01 AM and 9 could not found in database.
It seems like the service is using a date instead of the given start position, causing it to never find records.
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Re: CreateServiceNodeFromDatabase StartPosition is a Date

Unread post by SteveCap »

The error message is just incorrect and will be fixed. Task #10221 has been created. It is using the passed in start position and number of results. That error will appear when it can't find any records. How are you running the service? It will not work if ran in step.
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Re: CreateServiceNodeFromDatabase StartPosition is a Date

Unread post by msweeney »

I had been trying to run it in step, so that makes sense.
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Re: CreateServiceNodeFromDatabase StartPosition is a Date

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This issue has been resolved as of RunTime revision 903.
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Re: CreateServiceNodeFromDatabase StartPosition is a Date

Unread post by SumanPrasad »

We have decided to make RunInStep work with SaveResultToDatabase. A task 10301 has been created to address this.
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Re: CreateServiceNodeFromDatabase StartPosition is a Date

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This change has been implemented as of RunTime Revision 933.
word count: 10
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